Tag Archives: marathon training

I’m not who I was.

On Sunday, my body went farther, faster, stronger and longer than it ever has before.  I finished my third half marathon almost 20 minutes faster than the others.  I ran the whole race.  And at about a 10-minute mile (the fastest I have gone over such a distance.  Ever.  Period.).  I have never hurt so good.

Post-race euphoria.

Life is so funny—for Halloween 3 years ago, I thought I had come up with the most brilliant costume ever.  My parents had just moved to Southern California (I was not at all happy about this at the time) and I had gone down to see their new house and do a load of laundry.  I was lamenting having no costume for the Halloween party I was going to that night, when my mom offered me her marathon shirt from her marathon in Alaska.  Throw on a pair of workout pants and your tennis shoes, she said, and go as a marathon runner!  Brilliant, I thought.  What a great costume.  I will NEVER in my life run a marathon.

3 years ago, with my friend Wednesday
who was Red Riding Hood.

Oh, life, how funny you really are.  I am writing this blog from my parents’ house, where I am currently living, absolutely thrilled that they are so close to LA (where I am looking for a job…) and not back in Iowa.  (They also happen to live in a very hilly part of the world, making Sunday’s race on a mostly flat course fast and furious.)  And in 2 weeks, I begin marathon training for my first marathon in March.  I really am not who I was.

Being unemployed is not for the faint of heart.  I have been back in the States for almost 3 months now, and not so much as a nibble.  And it’s certainly not for lack of trying.  But these last 3 months have most certainly not been without some amazing opportunities that I wouldn’t have otherwise had.

I have had the time necessary to dedicate to training.  Running every day takes time, planning, and commitment.  I have never been so committed to anything physical like this before in my life.  Even after completely losing 2 toenails, ripping brand new pants while beautifully skinning my knee after falling on a run (turns out I bounce and make a few “Grape Lady Falls” noises…), and enduring just plain old muscle fatigue and soreness, I held my nose to that grindstone.

As Paul writes in Romans, suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope (5:3-4).  If you run, you know there is suffering.  Not all runs are amazing.  I don’t always hit my stride.  Sometimes, every step hurts.  My favorite spectator sign on Sunday read, “Running is a mental sport.  You are all insane.”  Running is mental.  Sometimes I can’t get out of my brain enough to just go.  It does take perseverance to finish the run, to finish the race, to give it my all.  The last 2 miles of the race were brutal.  My toes hurt more than anything; I have a smattering of little water blisters all along the edges of toes to show for the pain.  But that really didn’t seem to matter when I crossed the finish line completely overwhelmed with emotion at my finishing time.  My dedication paid off in ways I couldn’t have begun to imagine when I started training.  (And if you haven’t experienced runner’s high for yourself, I am telling you, you are missing out!!!)

I am no longer the girl in the marathon shirt pretending to be a runner.  I am a runner.  Obsessed?  Maybe.  Insane?  Definitely. :)


Filed under Running WILD!